
Privet, everyone!

Welcome to Coffee Cup History, a blog devoted to making history accessible to the widest readership. This website is designed so that those who are interested in history, and feel that they want to learn more, can read about a wide variety of topics, check out recommended reading lists, and feel like they can engage with the current scholarship, without being intimidated by the masses of hefty tomes currently being published.

So, what’s the deal with this?

Coffee Cup History is a project undertaken by a collective of young historians. Every now and then, we will be updating with a new, short, easy-to-follow discussion on a particular topic. These could be of interest to a general readership, or to students looking for a starting point for their own research. These pages are not intended to be academic sources. They will not be referenced. But they will include lists of works that, we believe, might be useful to the reader.

What do we get out of it?

Nothing. This is a free service. We don’t charge. We don’t make money from advertising. We do, however, want to make our discipline as easy to access as possible. History belongs to everyone, but sometimes you need a guide.

Do we take requests?

While this isn’t jazz night at the local bar, it’s possible that we might post on topics that are requested. We’ll wait and see how this experiment goes…

So, what do you do now?

As the tagline suggests, go grab yourself a cup of coffee. Sit down. And start learning! We hope you enjoy this blog as much as we enjoy making it.

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